Dr. Lisa Rodriguez, MD

Photo of Dr. Lisa Rodriguez, MD

Dr. Rodriguez's unique background in medicine and nutrition, coupled with her dedication to promoting holistic well-being, make her a valuable asset to our editorial team. Her expertise will enhance our content and empower readers to make informed choices for their health and wellness journey.


Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences from University of California, Berkeley
Doctor of Medicine (MD) from University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine


Board Certified in Internal Medicine
Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS)

Professional Experience

Dr. Lisa Rodriguez is a passionate advocate for nutrition and holistic well-being. With a background in both medicine and nutrition, she specializes in helping individuals optimize their health through dietary and lifestyle interventions.

As a board-certified internist, Dr. Rodriguez has extensive clinical experience in managing a wide range of health conditions. She believes in the power of food as medicine and incorporates nutrition counseling into her practice to support her patients' overall health and wellness.


American College of Physicians (ACP)
American Society for Nutrition (ASN)
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND)

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